Monday, June 14, 2010

What a crap.
Spent $8 to see what i dont wanna see, Hear what i dont wanna hear. what a joke.
Now, i've got nothing to eat. For the whole day i haven't been munching for even one little rice.
And i rather chose to accompany you since you insist. And i know so well the reason of you going to there instead of another. what do i get now? Expected lah ok.

You please get outta my life. Stop fooling me. I ain't you toy. If one day you'e ever in my shoe, pls look at how i am now. You totally ruined me ok. What a dog day today is. Once more, i pick myself up. And now, i won't let myself fall again. You left me with so much bruises and you just walked away like nobody's business. (Y) Nice one dude.

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