Saturday, May 08, 2010


I will engrave this two word, 谎言, in my heart.
nobody ever put themselves into my shoes to think for me. everything i did was wrong. i was wrong to care. Maybe the way i care is wrong, but it shows i care.
I was angry so i scolded those. I didn't mentioned bout the past. i was talking bout presently..
I know you're outside having fun with them again, i will and i already gave up. Forget it.. You said that sentence that really made me felt like kna bang by car. i felt myelf being pushed so hard that i flew... I was.. NUMB. Nvm. i will not look at the past. Eyes are grown in front of our head and not back of our head, so that we can look forward instead of the bad memories left behind us.

I hope you ignore me and pretend not to see me when we're in school. Hope when you go back, u will find ur true happiness, someone better than me.

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